360 Degrees Video and VR for Training and Marketing within Sports

Talk at the 17 th Annual International Conference on Sports: Economic, Management, Marketing & Social Aspects (Panel „Digitalization in Sports“), 8-11 May 2017, Athens, Greece


While the use of VR environments in the context of motor learning and training has been systematically worked on since the second half of the 1990s, especially in the area of „Serious Games“ (e.g. Prensky, 2001, Wiemeyer, 2002, Hebbel-Seeger, 2013 ), new options are emerging with 360-degree video technology and VR eyewear. For the use of these technologies sports offers not only a wide range of potential usage scenarios. The close connection between 360-degree video and VR glasses and the latest consumer technology in the field of mobile devices is forcing a rapid spread and thus also increasing the technology’s importance within sports.
In addition to the novelty the „immersion“ aspect is currently the main argument for the use of 360-degree video and VR glasses as a projection medium (see Hebbel-Seeger, i.p.). In various studies we have investigated if and how the use of 360-degree video in combination with VR-glasses has an impact on emotional, affective and physiological aspects. In this contribution I will briefly present the technology, share general usage experiences and finally discuss selected findings.


  • Hebbel-Seeger, A. (2013). Pedagogical and Psychological Impacts of Teaching and Learning in Virtual Realities. In A. Hebbel-Seeger, T. Reiners, T. & D. Schäffer (Hrsg.), Synthetic Worlds – Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics (S. 233-249). New York: Springer.
  • Hebbel-Seeger, A. (i.p.). Markenkommunikation in Erlebniswelten. Die Nutzung innovativer Medienformate zur Inszenierung von Sport im Raum. In J. Förster, A. Hebbel-Seeger, T. Horky & H.-J. Schulke (Eds.), Sport und Stadtentwicklung. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital-game-based learning. New York and London: McGraw Hill.
  • Wiemeyer, J. (2002). Multimedia im Sport. In H. Altenberger (Ed.), Medien im Sport (p.123 – 153). Schorndorf: Hofmann.

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